Friday, July 25, 2014

Our last day....

After all the running around we were sure we would not do when planning this holiday, we actually spent our last day lazing at the pool, going out to eat and playing miniature golf like real tourists.  I think it was the best day of the holiday and, if we had done this earlier, we would probably have spent more days this way.

But the craziness of Disney, etc just grabs you when you get there and the deal we got with our tickets made us feel the need to go to parks every day.  Even when we chose not to go to parks, it was to go shopping, not for the simple art of relaxation.  Every time we go to this area we say we will not be so crazy busy the next time, but we always are!  And, if we only come here every 15 years or so, we won't remember these valuable lessons!

Corbyn could have spent all day, every day in the pool!

This is the life, just floating in the pool.

I had been in the pool for awhile before going sit on the edge.  I noticed this strange looking creature, having never seen anything like it before, I had to go look it was a leech! Right at the edge of the pool. Creeped me right out and I could not go back in.  Not sure how common they are in or around pools but I did not care for this being that close.  Sorry about posting the picture but it is interesting to see it -

complete with sweet potato!

Shortly after the leech siting, it was time to go eat dinner, thankfully!  We went to the Longhorn Steakhouse, one of our many traditional dining places.  When the server asked about food allergies, I told him my sensitivity to cumin and he said they season all steaks with a seasoning mix containing cumin.  I was really surprised that it had never bothered me before. Then I remembered, I always get Prime Rib, whew!  and it was as good as ever!
Following this, we went to International Drive and the CSI experience.  Poor Corbyn fell asleep when he and I were supposed to be doing something interesting on our own while everyone else went in to solve crimes CSI style.  He slept for over an hour, I could not waken him.  Then we joined everyone else and went to play miniature golf!

Having lived in Florida for 10 years (a long time ago though), I always noticed tourists playing this, but never had the chance as an adult.  I do have fond memories of playing miniature golf with my Grandma when I would visit her.  This was one thing I really wanted to experience with Corbyn and we all had a fantastic time.  The park was full of dinosaurs too, so he loved every second of being there.  And he had the high score of 71, does that make him the winner?!

This park also had a stream around it with paddle boats.  I was supposed to go with Whitney and Corbyn but changed my mind. And it was really fun watching them learn how to steer this little boat!

Well, this was our last bit of fun in Orlando, and we had to leave the area totally exhausted but happy to have been here.  Corbyn was a wee star the whole journey, showing a patience and calmness I never expected when traveling. Since I posted a lovely photo of him on his way out of Scotland, here is another calm and peaceful one of him waiting to board the plane back to Scotland.

Just a request - although I really enjoy doing blogs about my travels and also my cooking, I get virtually no comments.  I know the mother of the birthday girl attempted to comment on her birthday party but I never got that one and she tried twice.  I am always amazed at the number of views my blogs get, and from all over the world.  But it would be even more fun if my readers would make a comment sometimes.  I am not certain if the problem is what my friend experienced, that her comment just did not go through, or if there is something not working with however this is set up. And I have tried to see if that is the case and I can't find any problems.  So if you enjoyed my blog or have any other bits of advice regarding travelling to this magic part of Florida, I would love to hear from you!

"The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don't know how to rest. We may even come back more tired than before we left."   Nhat Hanh

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